Research Driven Product


Mem-ExSpan memspan TM conducted five generations of R&D in classrooms and small group settings to create the Bridge to Achievement (BTA) TM a standardized, evidenced-based, congnitive skills program for varying ability levels and ages.  Extensive published research among multiple sample sets (adults and children) led to the conclusion that by applying the BTA TM cognitive skills training, learners improve their visual and listening memory speed as well as their capacity for procedural concept learning and critical thinking.


The BTA TM has effect sizes for each of the five longitudinal studies.  Mem-ExSpan's TM research found strong, reliable +3 - +4 year learning transfer, and generalization with strong, lasting gains.  The BTA TM has been taught to students age 9 to adult, in small groupings according to pre-tested age and ability levels, and field tested in school classrooms grades 4 - 8, and tracked 1 - 3 years longitudinally.  Scores in all academic subjects were obtained that included Science, Social Studies, and Language Arts that maintained longitudinally ages 9 to adult with 24 hours of intensive daily (Mon-Fri) training.  Repeat sessions are recommended annually for lower performing students, but gains evidence, nevertheless, without retraining.


High Performance Thinking, (HTP) is achieved through engaging, short six-minute span power chunking/coding games for learning sequential step-wise procedures, basic to reading comprehension, math, science, engineering, and technologies (STEM).  The BTA's TM longitudinal research and powerful results creates strong differentiation compared to typical academic skill-set and practice training.



Published Juried Research


Mem-ExSpan's TM research is published through the Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching (JALT), founded by Schuster, D.H. and Gritton, C.E., Department of Psychology, Iowa State University and concluded in 2008.  The first two articles are available for downloading through the hyperlinks; the others are available by ordering through the US Department of Education Institute for Education Science's ERIC Clearinghouse.


The Journal of Accelerated Learning and Teaching (JALT)


JALT Citations, Full Text

Copyright 1980 - 2013 © by Janis L. Erland.  The intent of this research report is for educational purposes only and cannot be used for any type of commercial or entertainment activity.  Research information may be used for personal individual research, but not in any organizational setting without permission of the author.  No part of this text or content may be made available or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retieval system.



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Abstract and Overview: Five Generations, Four Decades of Iterative Brain-Based Accelerated Learning Experimentation Demonstrate Cognitive Skill Improvement Enhances Academic Achievement and Career Goals.


Final conclusions discussing five generations of previously published research, including seven experiments; six published for ages 9 - 55. Included are four 1 - 3 year longitudinal studies within four 24 hour daily time frames: 10 - Day, 13 - Day, and 8 - Weeks at thirteen national test sites. Other nationally standardized cognitive skills pre- to post-test data is reviewed on groups of business adults and college graduate students at six national test sites.



Brain-Based Accelerated Learning Longitudinal Study Reveals Subsequent High Academic Achievement Gain For Low Achieving, Low Cognitive Skill Fourth Grade Students. Fall 2000, 25, 3 & 4.


Report of an Intra-Analyses of Two 4th Grade Classrooms with Low Auditory Memory (n=40/44). The classrooms included nine very low "outliers" which skewed the nationally standardized test scores downward as much as 50%. Yet, including these "Outliers," two years longitudinally, performance for these low performing students was now +2 to +3 1/2 years beyond grade level expectations in all sixteen subtests on The Iowa Tests of Basic Skills (ITBS). Tables reveal at what point in time each of the slow learners accelerated at their own pace. 46 pages including bibliography. ERIC Clearinghouse: ED 453-553



Brain-Based Accelerated Learning and Cognitive Skills Training Using Interactive Media Expedites High Academic Achievement. Fall 1999, 24, 3 & 4.


Jan Kuyper Erland 100 - page monograph scientific report on intelligences and accelerated learning applications documenting The Bridge To Achievement TM academic success with eleven classrooms and three randomized control groups in all ITBS Subject Areas. Comparative Literature Review of Intelligences with a Comprehensive Reference List.



Brain-Based Learning Longitudinal Study Reveals Solid Academic Achievement Maintenance With Accelerated Learning Practice. Spring 1999, 24, 1 & 2.


Follow-Up Longitudinal Maintenance Report of Above Field Test on Intelligences Theories and Accelerated Learning Academic Achievement Success.


Cognitive Skills and Accelerated Learning Memory Training Using Interactive Media Improves Academic Performance in Reading and Math. Fall 1998, 23, 3 & 4.


Fourteen-Classrooms, (incl. 3 Control Groups), Grades 4 - 8 Field Test Report on Intelligences Theories and Accelerated Learning Gains in All Subject Areas, on Reading and Math.



Other Reports:



Cognitive Skills Training Improves Listening and Visual Memory for Academic and Career Success. Spring, 1995, 20, 1, 87-101.


A short comparative review of three cognitive skills programs: Meeker's Bridges-Structure of Intellect, Feuerstein's Instructional Enrichment/Mediated Learning, and The Bridge To Achievement TM Classroom instructional methodology is reviewed.



Video-Tape Instruction Creates Listening and Visual Memory Integration for Higher Reading and Math Scores. Fall, 1994, 19, 3, 155-227.


High Reading and Math Academic Achievement Test Results of a Fifth Grade Classroom. This study determined the effects of video-taped instruction in teaching analysis and pattern finding skills. Methodology included guidelines from Cognitive Behavior Modification (CBM), Accelerated Learning, and Guilford's Structure of Intellect Model (SOI) within the Right-Brain - Left-Brain Kaufman and Kaufman's Sequential vs. Simultaneous Dichotomy. An Intra-Analyses was conducted to compare the results of the Experimental Special Needs students with the Control group. The Experimental Special Needs students surpassed the Controls on the posttests. 38 pages including bibliography.



Reading and Learning Disabled Students Improve Reading and Math Through Analytical Skills Training. Fall & Winter, 1992, 17, 3 & 4, 171- 223.


This study explored the use of specialized intensive cognitive skills training for at-risk, Title I remedial reading and learning disabled students, who demonstrated gains in both a regular classroom setting and a special reading class setting using videotaped instruction. The gains made on standardized cognitive skills tests generalized to academic achievement test scores in a majority of subjects. More consistent gains were evident in the regular setting where there was inter-class modeling and higher self-esteem dynamics during the training. With time constraints, and qualified learning and reading disabled specialists in limited supply, technologically-oriented instruction is a valuable vehicle to access and expedite learning for more students.



Retraining Cognitive Abilities: A Report on Thinking and Memory Improvement Combining Accelerated Learning with Cognitive Behavior Modification (CBM) for Ages 10- 55. Spring 1989, 14, 1, 3-41.


1984 - 1986 Report of 40 Experimentals and 40 Controls cognitive ability improvement for individuals ages 10 - 55 with choral speaking, rhythm, pacing, and sequencing factors. Three-Week (fifteen consecutive days, Mon-Fri, 1 1/2 hrs. daily) small group training. Students representing all performance levels, were placed in groupings of three to five, according to age and pre-tested cognitive ability levels. Students included business executives, housewives, general employees (i.e. engineers, architects, clerical, postal) college, high school, junior high, and grade school students down to age 10 (ranging from gifted, high average, average, to Special Needs). A MANCOVA Analyses included a comparison of age, (10 to 15, and 16 to adult) pace, (fast and slow based upon the individualized pretests) and group (Experimentals and Controls). The seven dependent variables were cognitive skills subtests from the Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery (1977), and The Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-1 (Revised in 1985). There was a significant overall main effect for for the group 1 (Experimentals vs. Controls) F=26.55, p<.01. All ages and pace groups made significant gains 33 pages including bibliography



Research Report, Part II: Retraining Cognitive Abilities, A Longitudinal Study. Summer 1989, 14, 2, 113-141


1986 - 1988 follow-up longitudinal Maintenance Report of above field test. Longitudinal data is difficult to obtain. Not only are individuals hard to locate years following a treatment project, but many are unwilling to go through a third testing procedure for scientific purposes. Unless the individual can see pertinent information relevant to their needs, follow-up post-testing can be difficult, if not impossible to accomplish. The number of participants varied from 31 to 40 for the 1 to 3 year post testing follow-up. The research question was: Can specific cognitive abilities be identified, isolated, and retrained, with the results maintaining over a period of time? Specific longitudinal follow-up case studies are documented which include examples of (as qualified by their respective school districts) gifted, high average, low average performing in high school, Learning Disabled (ADHD) and Developmentally Disabled. 24 pages including bibliography.















30 years of intense published juried research



Generalization evidenced with strong, lasting gains



Strong, reliable +3 - 4+ year learning transfer



Evidence-Based instruction for high academic achievement